STOCKMAR watercolour paints

The abundance of the rainbow from just three primary colours: blue, yellow, red. As with all of our colours, STOCKMAR watercolour paints were developed based on Goethe’s colour wheel. Based on this harmony and the knowledge of how colours affect people, we created vibrant, luminous colour worlds that boast a potent brilliance and high translucency.

STOCKMAR watercolour paints

Our STOCKMAR watercolour paints are available as individual colours and as an assortment, with 19 different colours available. The blue, yellow and red colour wheel paints are also available as individual colours.

STOCKMAR watercolour paints

The colours of STOCKMAR watercolour paints can range from delicate to powerful and bright depending on the dilution and the number of transparent layers applied. For an intense colour experience, apply the colours to wet paper and discover the mysterious and lively world of colours by mixing different tones.




Watercolour paint 250 ml 850410--
Watercolour paint 50 ml 850420--
Watercolour paint 20 ml 850430--
Colours: 01 carmine red, 02 vermilion, 04 golden yellow, 05 lemon yellow, 08 blue green, 10 ultramarine, 12 red violet, 13 rust, 15 black, 16 white, 18 prussian blue, 19 cobalt blue, 31 indigo, 33 orange, 34 mauve, 35 turquoise, 36 sap green, 37 burnt sienna, 38 fire red  


Basic assortment: 6x20 ml colours in a cardboard box Colours 01, 02, 04, 05, 10, 18 85043041
Supplementary assortment: 6x20 ml colours in a cardboard box Colours 08, 12, 13, 15, 16, 31 85043042
“Wet-on-wet painting”: 12x20 ml paints in a wooden case, with accessories Paintbrush, colour wells, sponge, cloth, Colours 01, 02, 04, 05, 08, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 31 85043046





Watercolour paint 250 ml 850410--
Watercolour paint 50 ml 850420--
Watercolour paint 20 ml 850430--
Colours: 51 red (colour wheel), 55 yellow (colour wheel), 59 blue (colour wheel)  

Colour chart STOCKMAR watercolour paints

Colour chart STOCKMAR circle colour paints